
The Pukes

Man, the pukes suck.

Ruby and Henry got awesome fevers in Hawaii and then came down with colds. To make matters even more incredibly awesome, I came down with a wicked case of the flu yesterday.

I now have much more empathy for poor little ones with fevers. The uncontrollable teeth chattering and burning sensation in my head just about did me in. Add a splash of body aches and puking and I'm a gonner.

Scott even stayed home from work today to take care of the kids. In fact, this is the first time I've left the comfort of my bed all day. I thought I should at least try and pay for the eBay auction I won a few days ago and lo and behold, there has been unauthorized activity on my account. Apparently I bid on and won a Gucci purse and a Fendi bag. Who knew I was so trendy? (And so self-indulgent?!?)

I think I'll go back to bed now.


Cody and Nikell said...

Holy--all of you please get better! Ruby looks so sad and sick in that picture. I'm going to start praying now for a Christmas miracle of no sick kids while we're in Utah for Christmas! This might need some manpower so you better join.

P.S. Sorry that I used your account to bid on a purse or two!

Heidi said...

You NEED that purse and bag as a puke receptacle. Hope you feel better soon . . .

Unknown said...

Oh Cels, and Rubadoo....I'm so sad for you. Ruby really does look so sad and awful in that pictures. We will pray for you. Hang in there! It's a good thing that it's the weekend and Scott will be around to help out for a couple days. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that these squirrels here don't pass their crap to me.

Anonymous said...

Are the pukes over yet? I'm ready for a more uplifting post. Have you received the purses yet? I know that would be uplifting especially for scott. Holla

Dixons said...

Hey girl! I saw your blog on Natalie's (I think). It's so fun to see what you are up to. I can't believe you're the mother of a couple kids. How crazy! (Even more so, that Scott is a dad!) Your family is adorable. You look great! Hope all is well.
~Holly (Hanson) Dixon