
My Guilty Christmas Pleasure

Okay, so I love this song. I admit it. Please enjoy, courtesy of the legend, the one and only, George Michael.


Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful

It has been an icebox up here in the frozen land of the north. Okay, I guess it's not as bad as the Midwest is right now. Aren't you glad you don't live in the ice storm-prone Midwest? (Sorry Nikell and Cody!)

Anyhoo, we've been decorating!! I love decorating for Christmas (taking it down as an entirely different story). We actually decorated about two weeks ago but I've also been baking, much to Scott's dismay as our kitchen looks like the Midwest after a tornado (aren't you glad you don't live in the Midwest?), so I'm just now getting around to it. Here are some of the latest happenings and seasonally-appropriate decor additions:

One of my favorite decorations -- a limited edition Norman Rockwell plate given to Scott by his Grandma Mary in 1980, when he was but a wee lad.

Look what I found -- a darling little decoration left over from last year!

A few of our Nativities

The Marvelous Moose Mantle

A pleasant surprise was that Ruby was afraid of the tree. She sat on the couch for the first 20 minutes of the tree decorating (only after crying and "running" away from the tree when we got it out of the box). She's still somewhat leery of the tree. I think it's great -- her healthy fear = not having to re-decorate my tree every day when she rips everything off.

Our camera sometimes gets a little temperamental about focusing. If it doesn't feel like it, there's nothing we can do about it. And I'm okay with that. (Santa Baby, oh hurry down the chimney tonight ... with a freaking normal camera that will actually focus when you want it to. For the love!)

Here are Scrooge's (aka Tau's) thoughts on all the activity. I think they speak for themselves.

It was so fun that Henry is big enough this year to actually participate in the tradition of putting the star/angel on the tree (and don't be hatin' on my tree topper -- I've been looking for a new star but haven't found one that speaks to me).

Mele Kalikimaka everybody!